Friday, March 21, 2008

Southpark? season 12, WTF!?

Ok, just watched the two first episodes of South Park season 12. Boy was I disappointed. I mean, what the fuck?

The first one about HIV, the only thing funny in it was Kyle's joy over Cartman being infected. But seriously the story was piss poor, the humor steeped to a level of idiocy it was painful to watch.

Second episode, Britney Spears. Seriously?? A whole episode about Britney Spears? I mean come on, couldn't you think about anything better to make a whole South Park Episode about?

Both episodes so far have had piss poor manuscripts, lame and pointless humor. Butters dressed as a squirrel, so much more fun could have been had from that idea yet they completely blew it. Whoever writes the manuscripts need to get a serious whack in the head for writing this crap, come on, season 11 was way better than this.

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