Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cygwin My new Love


Alright, I admit it, I love the Linux terminal. But I've never known enough about linux to make the big step of migrating from windows. That's why I was completely blown away by this program.

Cygwin basically adds a lot of the functionality of the Linux bash shell to your windows installation. What this means is that the command prompt in windows has finally gotten a big fat injection of Linux steroids.

I must say I love using cygwin, it allows for advanced manipulations at the command prompt that is previously unheard of in a windows system, and it also allows you to get to know the Linux terminal before going for the full migration.

Part of the problem with linux is that installing it means you have to know a whole lot about it beforehand, if you don't, you won't be able to make very much use of it.
Cygwin helps out here, allowing you to get to know some of the power that lies in the linux system before having to deal with a full installation.

I know, there a re live CD's, but they still don't fully cut it IMHO, they have their uses but they still require some indepth knowledge about linux to be useful.

So why is Cygwin so useful? One of the base strengths of Linux is it's text manipulation functions. Something that only a handful very expensive programs can do in windows. Well, up until I found Cygwin that was true anyway.

If you wish to get to know the power of the Linux systems before you take the plunge into a full migration I strongly recommend installing cygwin.

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