Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lets see if this works,

I'm trying to embed a video, hopefully it will work.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hot Video ftw!

Ack.. I have a weakness, good music coupled with a sexy video. Check this out.

Another very usefull Extension for Firefox

ScrapBook :: Firefox Add-ons

This is yet another really useful extension for Firefox, what it does is that it allows you to save pages in just a click or two. It also allows you to insert your own highlights and comments.

An absolute necessity for the web based researcher, blogger etc.

I'm so early in my blogging career but I have found a direct value of it as it allows me to save blogposts of interest without me having to dig back in archives etc.

Best thing about it is that the whole page is saved on your computer, some bloggs and posts have a habit of disappearing. This way you have total control over it.

The storage is a simple to use folder structure where you can organize your saved pages.

The whole universe at your fingertips


This is an exellent map of the sky freely available on the web, I must say that as a hobby stargazer it is very comfortable to use yet still holds a lot of good info.

Take a look, you'd be amazed at what you can find out there.

Finally, a manual!!!

Penis owner's manual

How I've been waiting for this, excellent page about pretty much everything you need to know about your little soldier.

A fun little game


this is a really addictive game, the object is that you are in an indestructible tank, and that you are going to use the explosions from the enemies to bounce around on as many enemies as possible without touching the ground.

Be warned though, it is highly addictive.

Math for programmers

If there is something I like it's math, problem is, it so booring to learn in school. I found another blog post today about the whole thing, how to learn Math the fun and interesting way.

I definently recomend you reading this Blog Post even if you are not a programmer, it's a great read and the writer has a good way with words.

Social bookmarking is a lot of fun, here, check my page out: Joey_Alva.

For all of you who haven't discoverd the fun in social bookmarking yet I strongly suggest you look into either or stumbleupon. Both exellent services.

I keep going to the front page of and cheking out the most recent and hottest links. You never know what you might find there.

For all of you who are already posting there, keep up the good work, you are providing us all with new fun and interesting things to dig into.

An interesting toy for bloggers

Scribefire... hang on, lemme link it for ya : Scribefire is to me a totally new tool for blogging directly in Firefox.. (Yes I so love this browser it's not even funny anymore).

This is my first post in blogging with this tool.. Lemme tell you, it was so easy smooth to add this blog to the extension.. I love the GUI aswell, it's obviously made by somone who blogs a lot. Everything is here, find a fun page on the net, one click on the statusbar Icon and you can write all about it. Surfing around and feel like sharing your thoughts on something, one click and start typing.

Haven't even started to look into all the cool things you can do with this extension yet, but I'm loving it already.

Check it out, the link above leads to the Mozilla extension page.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Firefox, a lifelong love

What is the real difference between Microsoft internet explorer and Mozilla firefox? you can compare tech all you want, functions here and memory usage there.. I'm thinking more of a philosophical difference to be honest.

Think of cars, you have the everyday stationwagons, they do what they are supposed to do but with no frills no extras and little comfort or pleasure to use.

Then you have a hotrod, a car that functions the way it should but with a ton of extras, be it in horsepower, audio systems, comfort, responsiveness..

The philosophical difference between firefox and explorer is as simple as that..

Firefox is the hotrod of the webbrowsers, you tinker, you tweak, you add things, block other things. It's an endless process of user improvements adding themes and extensions. Never quiet done but by far more effective than the Proprietary counterpart.

Same as with hotrods, they are never done.. new seats, new cd player, new suspension, new rims ad infinitum.

Explorer is for those who simply want basic functionallity, whereas Firefox is for those who want to expand and enrich their browsing experience by their own hands.

Firefox is like hotrods, a lifelong love....